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Ways to keep your teeth clean and white

When one looks in the mirror, sometimes you realize that there is a significant change of color of your teeth, it is very important for you to consider whitening them.

Some decades ago bleaching was the commonly used method to whiten teeth. Nowadays there are various and better methods of whitening teeth that are more effective than the corrosive bleaching. So many ways and ingredients are in toothpastes that help maintain whiteness and brighten teeth too.

The best whitening agent

Since tooth whitening has become very popular, it is very important for you to know which type of whitener to use. This is because not all products in the market are genuine but this is not enough reason why one should not invest in the best whitening product.

The price of these different sources can range quite considerably, from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars. The society judges us so much, on how we look and our teeth hygiene matters a lot. For the enormous majority of us, we would like to look our best at all times, and having a white smile is also a part of that.

With the right kind of smile, you can project confidence and friendliness to others. If our teeth are not in the best of condition, it can cause us to be hesitant when smiling.

Always go for products with hydrogen and carbamide peroxide in them, this is because these compounds do the cleaning during the whitening process. Before buying any product it is advisable for you to research the market thoroughly, you should look out for is whether the product has hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide in it, with the only difference being that hydrogen peroxide takes a little longer to whiten your teeth.

Consider the following ways that can help you maintain healthy looking teeth

Avoid fluoride

Fluoride is a chemical composition that strains the teeth. Avoid any water that has added fluoride in it, and you should work to avoid place that have this in their water. A few countries in the world have banned fluoride in their drinking water.

Shun plaque

Plaque is one of the factors that contribute to browning of teeth it is very important for you to keep your teeth in the healthiest condition by taking measures that will prevent building up of plaque in your mouth. A good way to prevent it is to carry dental floss is doing it after every meal. This is can be done when you are idle or watching a movie in the house. Flossing helps get rid of bacteria and if not done bacteria, starts working immediately you go to sleep.

Carbamide peroxide on the other hand, is one of the best teeth whitening solutions that is known for its effectiveness.

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